Transcendence – An Immersive Artistic Experience by Ephemera Arts

Event Date: October 29 – November 15, 2023
Location: Koblenzer Kunstverein e.V., Altenhof 13, Koblenz, Germany
Artists: Arnaud Quercy (Visual Artist, Pianist) & Frank von Häfen (Composer, Flutist)
Curated By: Angelika Kallenbach with the support of Dr. Margit Theis-Scholz and Petra Spielmann

This portfolio captures the world premiere of Transcendence, an immersive artistic experience that redefined the boundaries between visual art and music. Presented by Ephemera Arts, the newly-formed partnership of Parisian visual artist Arnaud Quercy and Remagen composer Frank von Häfen, Transcendence invited viewers to journey through a multisensory world where art, music, and projection became one.

The Concept:
Transcendence was conceived as a living triptych, bringing together projection, music, and painting in a seamless sensory blend. Through multiple 360-degree projectors, visitors were enveloped in a dynamic display of moving images that interacted with Quercy’s paintings, bringing his vibrant canvases to life. The projections incorporated elements of his artwork, creating an immersive journey that invited viewers to delve into themes of human longing: faith, love, and hope. The audience found themselves surrounded by vivid colors, shapes, and music, creating an experience that transcended traditional exhibition formats.

The Music:
Complementing the visual journey was the live musical element composed by Frank von Häfen, who performed on flute and electronic wind instruments. Frank’s compositions resonated with the themes of the artwork, creating an evocative soundscape that deepened the emotional impact of each projected universe. On the opening night, von Häfen and Quercy performed live, with Quercy accompanying on piano, adding a powerful, interactive energy to the show. The music and projections flowed together, transforming the gallery into a synesthetic environment where every note and image was felt deeply by the audience.

Notable Highlights:

  • An Artistic Duo’s World Premiere: Transcendence marked the debut of Ephemera Arts, bringing together emerging artist Arnaud Quercy and the established musician Frank von Häfen for a groundbreaking collaboration.
  • 360-Degree Projection: Using cutting-edge 3D modelization, Quercy’s artwork was projected at full scale, enveloping the audience and creating a sense of immersion that bridged the gap between viewer and artwork.
  • Live Performance and Interaction: During the opening event, both artists performed live, captivating the audience and creating an organic interplay between visual and auditory elements.
  • Distinguished Guests: The event was honored by the presence of cultural leaders, including Dr. Margit Theis-Scholz, Cultural Councillor of Koblenz, and Petra Spielmann, commercial director of the Arp Museum Rolandseck, underscoring the significance of the show.

Audience Impact:
From the outset, Transcendence drew widespread attention, drawing in art lovers, community members, and culture aficionados who experienced the show as a journey of profound connection. The immersive nature of the exhibit allowed viewers to step into Quercy’s painted landscapes, transformed by light and music, creating a deeply personal interaction with the artwork. Many were moved by the contemplative exploration of universal themes that resonated across cultural and emotional boundaries.

This portfolio encapsulates the experience of Transcendence, showcasing the collaborative magic of Quercy and von Häfen as they pushed the boundaries of art to create a sensory experience that will remain etched in the memory of all who attended. Their artistic venture as Ephemera Arts has set a new standard for immersive art, opening doors to future explorations that bridge the realms of painting, projection, and music.